Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Get in the Cage...

Installed my new and improved platform today. I have needed a cage all Tarpon Season. It gets pretty interesting when your casting, hooking and fighting a 100lb. tarpon in 3 to 4ft. seas from the bow of a skiff. The uphostry job was botched so it's back to the drawing board on the padding.

Boom Boom Stacy

Sela Rose has been known, on special occasion, to call herself "Boom Boom Stacy" . You Silly Billy.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Storm Break

It's been a pretty stormy Tarpon Season as of late. Ocean side fishing from a skiff is not for sissys.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Andy Lee Photography

Andy came down in early Spring and did some redfishing. We had a ball. He's back out in Colorado getting his "trout on" for the season. He takes a mean photo...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beamon's Big Adventure

Some old news, but good news. B.J. and I have been freinds since grade school. He just got married to one of our dear freinds Cathy. I got to share a part in the ceramony and to help BJ catch a couple fish before his big day. We are so happy for them. Sorry Cathy for Beamon's sunburn. Thats what photoshop is for......

Daddy's Girl - Sela Rose

She has the most beautiful heart.

Tarpon Season

Tarpon Season has been really good so far. I'm not getting in all the days I would like (work & family comes before play). Gjuro, Rob, Jeff, Rusty and I have had some great days. I hope they keep swimmin' through August.

Bass Buggin'

Leave it to a Bama Boy to find some bass fishing among a world class saltwater fishery. I have acquired private access to some pretty amazing lakes for our fly fishing schools. This was a welcomed blessing...